Boynton Canyon Jan 17

A hike to the end of the public trail in the canyon, with two side trips up the east side
P1170002   BOYNTON CANYON P1170003 P1170004 P1170005   First we skirt the Enchantment Resort...
P1170006 P1170007 tonemapped P1170008 P1170009
P1170010 P1170012   Then we go to the end of the public trail... P1170014 P1170015
P1170016 P1170017 P1170018   Clearing a fresh fall P1170019 tonemapped
P1170021 P1170022 tonemapped P1170024 P1170025
P1170026   Now we head up the east wall P1170027   This winter's plentiful rain is bringing out the moss P1170028 P1170029
P1170030 P1170031 tonemapped P1170032   We can now loook up at the end of the canyon P1170033
P1170034 P1170035 P1170037 P1170038
P1170039 P1170041 P1170042 P1170043
P1170044 P1170045   A good lunch spot at our highest point P1170046 P1170047
P1170049 tonemapped P1170050 P1170051   Looking back down the canyon P1170052
P1170053 P1170054 P1170056   Heading back... P1170057
P1170058 P1170059 P1170060 P1170061
P1170062 P1170064 P1170066 P1170067 tonemapped
P1170068 P1170069